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Auckland Airports He Tangata Grant, grants us with funding!


We're celebrating! It's not every day someone gives you $5,000!

Today May 2018, we received some wonderful news from our friends in Mangere at the Auckland Airport.

The Trust is one of the lucky receivers of the Auckland Airports annual He Tangata Grant this year.

The Auckland Airports He Tangata grant aims to support the great work going on ‘under the radar’ in South Auckland to create strong, vibrant communities and protect the environment.

Being a Charitable Trust, $5000 can go along way and will make a BIG impact in supporting our team,

With $50,000 in total awarded to community organisations across South Auckland, the Trust is getting excited about completing more beautification projects and seeing the benefit of this funding in our backyard.

We even have some projects in the pipeline with some of the other organisations awarded funding too!

Other grant recipients are our friends from The Clendon Pride Project, Tararata Creek clean-up group, ​Ambury Park Friends of the Farm, Aorere College (community day), Strive Papatoetoe, McAuley High School (furniture to support collaborative learning), Flat Bush Primary (travel to Te Papa and Weta Workshops to foster student inquiry), Pacific Fusion Fashion Show, and the WhatHope youth group.

Cheers Auckland Airport and thank you The Manukau Courier for nominating us!

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