Activities & Resources
Through action-packed events, hands-on activities and engaging lessons, Eye on Nature encourages tamariki and their whānau to connect with the environment and learn how to be more sustainable in everyday life.
Check out these fun learning activities and resources for tamariki at school and at home.

BBC: The Price of Fast Fashion
Assefeh Barrat
Video documentary - Fashion lover Assefeh Barrat follows every stage of the production process - from cotton growers in the USA, to factory owners in Turkey and designers in the West to see who is leading the way in reducing fashion's environmental impact. And she asks consumers if they are really willing to change their fast fashion habits.
Fast Fashion, Sustainability
Recycling fashion: The town turning waste into clothes
BBC News
Video - Fashion is one of the most polluting industries in the world. But a small town in Italy called Prato has built its fortune on transforming old scraps into new clothes, particularly knitwear and wool.
Fast Fashion, Sustainability, Circular Economy
Sustainability in the Fashion Industry
TKI - Te Kete Ipurangi
Teachers resources - Clothing and associated textiles have had major impacts on both the natural and social worlds. What are the positive and negative impacts that technology has made on natural and social environments.
Sustainability, Fast Fashion
Tūhono ki Taiao 2022 Registration
Te Pu-a-Nga Maara
TPNM are proud to present the first of our Tūhono ki Taiao Interactive Online and taiao based event series for 2022
This kaupapa is aimed at REVIVING our ancestral knowledge, to RECONNECT whānau to our natural environments, and build a movement of Taiao REGENERATING for the future
Māori, Sustainability, Rangatahi
Backyard Birds
Auckland Botanic Gardens
Auckland Botanic Garden have created resources to connect with the birds in your garden or school! Learn about the plants most loved by our native birds, do a bird count activity, or fill out the worksheet to learn more. You can also try are hand at making some DIY binoculars!
Activities, Website
Experiencing Invertebrates in Your Green Space
Department of Conservation NZ, Te Papa Atawhai
Website and PDF - Provides a great environmental resource to educate your tamariki about invertebrates, as well as informs you of the relevant curriculum links that this will have.
PDF, Activities, Website
Investigating Introduced Predators in Your Green Space
Department of Conservation, Te Papa Atawhai
With an interactive resource as well as multiple fact sheets, this DOC sight provides you with the tools to educate your tamariki about the importance of pest management in NZ.
Website, Activities
Teaching about the Fast Fashion Industry and Sustainable Production
Educators for Social Change
Teachers resources - Links to resources, lesson plans, articles, and informational sites to help teach your students about the environmental and socio-economic pressures of a fast fashion industry.
Sustainability, Fast Fashion
Are fashion retailers honest with their customers?
DW Documentary
Video documentary - Fast fashion is cheap, worn briefly, then discarded, leaving behind mountains of used clothing. Producers and retailers promise sustainability and recycling, but how sincere is their promise to make new clothing from old?
Sustainability, Fast Fashion
Explaining the Circular Economy and How Society Can Re-think Progress
Ellen MacArthur Foundation
Video - How can we re-design the way our economy works - designing products that can be 'made to be made again' and powering the system with renewable energy.
Circular Economy, Sustainability
Kia Kaha te Reo Taiao
Department of Conservation, Ministry of Education, ReoMāori
Downloadable booklet - Become familiar with Māori words and phrases you can use while you are out enjoying te taiao, the unique environment of Aotearoa.
Te reo Māori, like so many of our other taonga in Aotearoa, is threatened. But, like the environment, with collective understanding, care and action the language will thrive.
This booklet was developed in collaboration with the Department of Conservation and the Ministry of Education to provide information about the natural world.
Website, PDF
Principles of 'Mana to Mana' practice in Community Food Distribution
Kore HiaKai Zero Hunger Collective
Teachers resource (pdf) - Kore HiaKai supports the frontline work of community food organisations while also undertaking the slower, deeper work of addressing poverty related hunger’s root causes.
Report, PDF
Kai, Māori, Sustainability, Circular Economy
The Wai in Our Kai
Video - In this fun-filled lesson, children find out why water is essential for life. The video explores how our bodies use water and how it is stored in our foods. It also looks at where our water comes from and why it is important to use it wisely. Jam-packed with activities, games and science experiments, it will engage and inspire curious minds.
Water, Kai, Sustainability
The true cost of fast fashion
The Economist
Video - Millions of tonnes of clothes end up in landfill every year—it’s one of the fastest-growing categories of waste in the world. How can the fashion industry continue to grow while addressing the environmental need for people to buy fewer clothes?
Fast Fashion, Sustainability