Predator Free - Pest Animals
Help our taonga species
Pest control, which helps protect our property and gardens from damage, also allows our native forests and animals to thrive. Did you know? A little bit of effort in our own backyards can achieve a lot.
Rats, possums and other predators cause problems throughout Aotearoa by eating plants from our gardens, raiding our compost and rubbish bins, and nesting in houses, sheds, palm trees and rubble. They threaten our native species by eating insects, bats, skinks, birds and eggs, and new shoots and fruit from our native trees.
Meet the Predators:
Two ways to get involved
Grab a free rat trap
If you're a resident of Manurewa, Takaanini, or Papakura, start by grabbing a free rat trap. Begin small and make a big difference in keeping your home and neighbourhood rat-free. And don't worry if you're not sure how to use the trap, our Pest-Free Activator will work with you to teach you how to safely trap and dispose of pests, so you can get rid of those rats for good!
Our pest-free activator will show you:
How to safely use a trap
Where to put traps for the best results
How to report animals that have been caught
How to dispose of pests once caught
We're here to support you in keeping your house pest-free and saving our taonga species.
Become a volunteer
Get outside and play a part in protecting our local taonga species. As part of our team of trapping volunteers, you’ll help us maintain traps in our beautiful local parks and reserves around Papakura and Manurewa.
Plus, we're here to support you every step of the way with free ongoing training, guidance and traps from our Pest-Free Activator.
Reporting your catch
We use the trap.nz app to keep records of what has been caught in the area, and identify any hot spots, feeding directly into the impact map below. To join us on this journey and report your catch, please contact our pest free activator at pestfree@beautification.org.nz
Your Impact
Together, we're making a difference! See what you have achieved in Manurewa and Papakura:
Predator Free 2050
Our greater goal for Aotearoa
Predator Free 2050 aims to eradicate mustelids (stoats, ferrets and weasels), rats (Norway, ship and kiore), and possums from all of New Zealand by 2050. Our native species are facing some serious challenges, and introduced predators are a big part of the problem. That's why we're on a mission to help protect our biodiversity for generations to come.
Learn more about Predator Free 2050, who's involved and why this kaupapa is so important.
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