About Us
The Beautification Trust is a social enterprise on a mission to connect and empower communities to learn, love and look after our environment.
Since 2001, we've been leading beautification projects, community events, zero waste programmes and environmental education all over South and East Auckland.
Any proceeds from our commercial services such as graffiti removal are invested back into the community. Our mahi sees communities have pride and feel safe, the environment becoming cleaner and healthier; and communities being connected and empowered.​
The Beautification Trust is a registered charity with the New Zealand Charities Commission (CC21978) and an Ākina certified social enterprise.
Cast your mind back to Manukau in the late 1990's and early 2000's - it was known as the graffiti capital of the South Pacific.

The Trust was originally established in 1997 as Keep Manukau Beautiful, and soon after rebranded to the Manukau Beautification Charitable Trust in 2001 when the Manukau City Council tasked the Trust with dealing with the enormous amount of graffiti in the area.
Since then, our proven record of efficient and effective tagging removal has resulted in an expansion of territory under Auckland Council's management. We are now contracted by Council to remove tagging in the city's six Southern Local Board areas.
​Over time, our approach to beautifying South and East Auckland has evolved to include much more than tagging removal. We have taken community groups, organisations, schools and neighbourhoods on a journey to care deeply about the environment that surrounds them and as a result, our impact and mahi in the community has grown. In the process, we’ve been restoring the mauri of these places and building resilient communities. Nau mai, haere mai. Welcome to the Beautification Trust.
2degrees Auckland Business Awards, South and East – Winner: Excellence in Community Contribution
2degrees Auckland Business Awards, South and East – Finalist: Excellence in Strategy and Planning
2degrees Auckland Business Awards, South and East – Finalist: Employer of the Year
Zero Waste Awards - Finalist: Community Collaboration
Zero Waste Awards - Finalist: Growing the Movement
2degrees Auckland Business Awards, South and East – Finalist: Excellence in Community Contribution
2degrees Auckland Business Awards, South and East – Finalist: Excellence in Innovation
2degrees Auckland Business Awards, South and East – Finalist: Employer of the Year
2degrees Auckland Business Awards, South and East – Finalist: People's Choice
Sustainable Business Awards – Finalist: Collaboration Award
Westpac Auckland Business Awards, South and East – Finalist: Excellence in Community Contribution
Sustainable Business Awards – Finalist: Social Impactor Award
Westpac Auckland Business Awards, South and East – Finalist: Employer of the Year
Westpac Auckland Business Awards, South and East – Finalist: Excellence in Strategy and Planning
Westpac Auckland Business Awards, South and East – Finalist: Excellence in Innovation
New Zealand River Awards – Winner: Most Improved Stream for the Puhinui Stream. In collaboration with Auckland Council, Wai Care, Nestle and local schools and organisations.
Keep New Zealand Beautiful Awards – Finalist: Tidy Kiwi for our Graffiti Removal Team
Keep New Zealand Beautiful Awards – Finalist: Community Environmental Initiative for our Largest Clean-up Event
Westpac Auckland Business Awards, South and East – Finalist: Excellence in Strategy and Planning
Westpac Auckland Business Awards, South and East – Finalist: Excellence in Business Leadership
Westpac Auckland Business Awards, South and East – Finalist: Excellence in Innovation
Sustainable Business Awards – Finalist: Community Impact
Sustainable Business Awards – Finalist: Innovation
25th Annual Green Ribbon Awards – Winner: Community Leadership Award
New Zealand Association of Event Professionals Awards: Highly Commended Best Emerging Event for Eye on Nature
Memberships & Certifications
