Eye on Nature Whānau Day
In light of the community outbreak of Omicron and the likelihood New Zealand will remain at the red traffic light setting for some time yet, the Beautification Trust has made the difficult decision to cancel the annual Eye on Nature Whānau Day at the Auckland Botanic Gardens on Saturday 26 March 2022.
The safety of our communities, partners, volunteers and suppliers is at the heart of this decision.
We are exploring alternative ways to safely operate some activities at any traffic light setting by delivering engaging, educational experiences to the community, in place of the Whānau Day. This may be through smaller-scale workshops or pop-up activities in the Auckland Botanic Gardens over a series of weeks. All further details will be available our website and social media in due course.
Thank you to all our partners, volunteers, suppliers, sponsors and community members for your support as we adapt to these changing circumstances.

Incredible Kai
Not only does kai (food) nourish us and keep our bodies healthy, but our relationship with kai also affects the health of the planet. Food security and sustainability are becoming increasingly important on our collective journey to a greener future.
Understanding where kai comes from, how it gets to the table and what happens with food scraps helps us deepen our personal relationship with nature. Kai is also an amazing social connector which brings communities and whānau together.
Throughout Eye on Nature 2022, tamariki and whānau will learn more about...

How nature creates kai from animals and plants

Nutrition and the role of kai in ecosystems

How kai gets from place to place

Waste & Recycling
‘Rot’ to do with food scraps and packaging?